This blog would be better with pictures, but I can't figure out my new camera and how to get the pix from the camera to the computer so you'll just have to deal with your imaginations. We're writers. We should have good imaginations. :)
I have 2 dogs (insert pix of cute doggie faces, one brown dog, one black dog). We'll call them Jaws and Hell Hound. They are around 75-80 pounds. Kinda large. Jaws had to have surgery this week. Found out about it on my birthday (happy birthday to me, more money to hand over to the vet). Now, we can't leave Jaws by herself as she has separation anxiety (hence the name Jaws. Perhaps what she did to our old house will show up in another blog. If you've ever been to the old place you might have noticed her handiwork, or should I say mouthwork???). Therefore, if HH has to go to the vet for a day treatment, then The Hubster has to work from home to comfort poor Jaws.
Hell Hound has never given us this problem. Of course we've never left him by himself anyplace but at the vet. Which he didn't like. Which should have clued us in, but name me a dog that does like the vet.
HH gets locked in the bedroom on the day Jaws spends at the vet. He is quiet when we leave, no barking, clawing or other noisy doggie behaviors. I'm happy.
But not for long.
The surgery goes well, we pick up a rather confused and very thirsty Jaws and run home. We are greeted by HH. Hmm. HH is supposed to be in the bedroom.
(insert pix of shredded bedroom door)
Yep. Hell Hound used his claws to dig the carpet back from the door. When all he encountered was cement foundation, did he stop? Nope. Determination.
After leaving little runny piles of potent odor causing substances scattered throughout the bedroom carpet, he attacked the door. Despite being larger, wooden and firmly fastened in its frame, the door stood no chance. Must've taken him all day to use his claws to detach the lower half of the hollow core door. Once this was accomplished, he was able to burst through the rest of the door.
So the top half of the door was still shut, but the bottom half was lying open. In case you're concerned about HH, he was fine, not a scratch. No animals were harmed in the making of this story. Amazing amount of determination in that dog.
As writers we have to be like Hell Hound. We have to be determined. We have to want to break down the proverbial doors of the publishing world and get our manuscripts out there. We have to know that there is something on the other side of the door we want and we will do anything to get to it. Or almost anything. It's not always easy. It might take all day, or all year or several years, but if we work long enough and hard enough, it will happen.
So don't give up. Borrow Hell Hound's determination and get the job done.
The writing job that is. I'm not advocating breaking any real doors. Your hubster won't like having to hang a replacement. :)
Friday, November 7, 2008
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can we wear one of these at conference? 'Cause that would be AWESOME!
For Christie!
