Writers have different ways of approaching a new story. Ideas come from everywhere if we take the time to see them. Some writers talk about ‘the voices talking to them’ and stuff like that. Nothing wrong with that I guess as long as they don’t instruct the writer to pick up a stapler or extra-sharp No. 2 and go all Ginsu on somebody.
I don’t hear voices and I’m pretty sure it would freak me out if I did. But ideas and phrases come to me when I take the time to recognize them. It’s usually in the quieter moments, like folding laundry or when I’m driving. Most of the time I leave the radio off in the car because the constant chatter keeps me from thinking about anything other than the daily radio topic.
And I love those moments when an interesting way to say something just pops in from….somewhere. Maybe the subconscious.
Because I think for writers, even when we’re not concentrating on our story the subconscious is still mulling it over and thrashing it about, trying to work out the plot, the many subplots, and all the other aspects that tend to drive us slightly nuts.
Hmmmm….probably explains some of the voices.
So how do you approach a story? Do you start with a small idea and expand it until it grows into a full fledged story? Do voices tell you what to write? What’s your method for getting the words down on paper?
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can we wear one of these at conference? 'Cause that would be AWESOME!
For Christie!


Well, this was supposed to be for Thursday. I was getting it set up last night and anyway it's my first time. :)
I always get my inspirations when I'm trying to get some sleep. If I get up and write them down, I can't go back to sleep. If I don't write them down, I can't remember when I wake up. My muse must have a sense of humor.
no comment:) what happens in kentucky stays in kentucky.
And that's a good, good thing....;-)
I keep a notebook in my purse. If something comes to me I start working it out in my head then I write it all down. Usually just a paragraph or two...sometimes I get a whole scene of dialog from out of nowhere and I write that all down, too. So, far I have, like, 287 ideas and 2 stories....Any one need ideas??
I know what you mean about the ideas. At times it seems like they're bombarding me and other times I can't come up with my own name much less a story idea. :) But I do have tons of little notebooks filled with phrases and ideas. Some of them I look at later and think "Cool!" and some of them are so random it's like "Duh?" What was I THINKING?!? No, really. What was I thinking?
I have a notebook for future ideas. Unfortunately it takes me so long to write one book that who knows when I'll get around to them. :( But ideas just come to me. Alot of them are feelings and then I run with it into a book. pansters rule!!!
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