So. Tonight's a big night for me. Not because it's my birthday or an anniversary or because my 3 year old has finally realized she's outgrown her terrible two's. No. It's even better.
It's the UFC rematch of Georges 'Rush' St. Pierre (my future husband in my next life) and Matt 'The Terror' Serra (give me a break).
I'm trying to fit this blog in between the no-name fights while waiting for the main event. I know, I'm a girl and mother and should probably oppose violence and all that and I do, except if it's in the octagon. Then it's just fine.
I'm not going to go on and on about fighting but watching the fights tonight made me think about research and how jealous I am that Lori Foster wrote and published MMA books before it ever crossed my mind.
I have a love/hate relationship with research. I hate doing it. Time spent researching it is time I could have spent writing. However, how good would the writing have been if I didn't do my research? So that's why I love it.
It turns out to be time well spent if I can make a reader believe that my hero plays ball and knows how to play well. None of that he hit a grounder to third and scored a basket. Which is exactly what BB book #1 would have been if I hadn't spent endless hours walking around ball fields, chatting with players and schmoozing them with bribes of free lunch (btw, they always picked up the tab).
And it was such a hardship, let me tell you. Hanging out with all that testosterone just sucked. Really.
And I've met some really great people, both in person and over the Internet. Forums are a wonderful thing for lurking and trying to understand the mindset of individuals involved in a specific trade that you are trying to understand.
For example: The Military. These guys have groups and sites and blogs galore that have been 100% helpful to me as I delve into their world and I believe their voices make my voice better. More believable.
And it's a hell of lot less scary than sitting down face to face with some retired bad ass just jawing to chew on me.
So, that's all I got this week. Nothing spectacular or mind altering, just another thing I love about doing what we do. The endless quest for knowledge that in the end makes our works of art all that much better.
I'm heading back to the living room to bite my nails and pray St. Pierre pulls this one off without getting hurt. I don't want anything marring that pretty face of his.
so, basically what you're sayin' is that i should go to a catillion and really get to the heart of petticoats?
i really tried to work that in to this post but i just can't pull it off like you can.
sock hop here we come!
I think that is why I started with paranormals. To me it's easier to make up your own reality.
I guess I'm going to have to change. I have a little western rolling around in my brain.
Hmmm...maybe I should find a cattle drive to sign up with.
On Eldorado Pkwy I pass this "ranch" with cattle and one day I saw this lady leading like hundreds of them. I think if you hop the fence and carry like a loaf of bread, they will follow you. Hey, we could make that a Spankster field trip. Dang, there's probably no trespassing.
Where else would one wear petticoats? I saw an Mtv True Life show about Southern Belles, but I did not see any petticoats there.
what about the amish? do they wear petticoats? they seem friendly enough. we could field trip there and they could stare at our cell phones while we stare at their clothes...
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