As some of you may know, I got to meet my Favorite Author last weekend! Way cool. In the interest of not naming names, I'm going to create a blog with no first names. Or try to.
Anyway, FA is a wonderful person for those of you who know who I'm talking about. She's really friendly and bubbly and she rebuilt a 1964 and 1/2 mustang from scratch. In between being a best selling author and globe hopping for all these events that come with being a best selling author. You've gotta admire a woman who can rebuild a car.
My money bought me a visit to the author's reception Saturday night and then out to dinner with FA. Sunday included getting to sit at her table at the literary event. Nine of us won this privilege.
Needless to say I was a bit excited. I got all fancied up and drove to the hotel where we're to meet. I'm one of the last to arrive so everyone has been sitting around chatting and getting to know each other. When I arrive, all names are thrown at me, as if I can remember names, and I smile and try to look like I really want to be best friends with them all. Two women describe themselves as FA's stalkers. OOOkkkkaaaayyyy. I look around for the cops, but none are to be found.
Then FA shows up and we all pile into a van. Think of opening a sardine can, to be rather cliche. I scrunched against the wall, but I'm two seats down from FA so who really cares. The lady sitting next to me is one of the self-admitted stalkers and the entire time we're squashed together she is talking to FA about FA's life. FA is chatting away with her, obviously not as freaked out about this as I am. The entire time this lady, let's call her stalker lady, SL, sits next to FA and has to be the dominent in the conversation. So if you ask FA a question you can tell she's not a happy camper b/c now FA is paying some attention to someone other than SL. SL doesn't like that.
However, get SL away from FA and she's really nice. Just one of those people that has to have all the attention on her and she draws that attention by making herself sound more important by knowing all this info about FA. Interesting pychology study.
The other "stalker" was more as I'd describe myself. Fairly normal, but a huge fan. The difference between us is that she goes to all these FA author events. But the other lady was freaking ME out and I'm not even a famous author.
Oh well. FA is wonderful, love her books and she's just as nice in person as she seems in her books.
But she had apparently had enough too b/c during the tea she stuck SL across the table from her.
So, are people like me who go to these things groupies or stalkers? What's your opinion?
Friday, October 17, 2008
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can we wear one of these at conference? 'Cause that would be AWESOME!
For Christie!


I can't see myself stalking an author. Well, maybe Marcus Luttrell but he's kinda scary and I'm a huge wimp. One mean look and an order to stop following him would have me packing up and heading for the hills.
Groupies probably have way more fun!
I don't think you're a stalker or a groupie. You're just a really good that realizes there are boundaries that shouldn't be crossed.
Congrats on getting to meet your fav and get to know her. I've met her briefly and heard her speak before. She's a class act.
appreciating someone's work should definitely be communicated and i'm sure it is flattering to FA, but i'm also sure it's kind of scary-shady when brown-nosers come across as "loco."
karen, way to represent the spanksters as a true professional.
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