a girl never forgets her first time.
blogging, that is. it's my first time to blog.
when I told biscuit the spanksters started a blog, this is what transpired:
me: so, we have blog now.
biscuit: is that kind of like a chat room?
me: no, kip. a blog is not a "chat" room. no one is "chatting" for three hours with lafawnduh.
biscuit: oh.
and that was that.
so, we're writers. cool, huh. yeah, very cool. but what do we write? there're lots of different kinds of writers.
we're - *GASP* - romance writers!!! yes. romance. where smart, sexy, and strong women stand proud by their men and by their genre.
me, i write contemporary romance. contemporary according to Merriam-Webster means: marked by characteristics of the present period. i anticipate probing deeper into my view on this subgenre. oh yes. good times.
so, i'm sure our vast reading audience is curious as to the origination of our name: the spanksters. well, if you read or write romance, you know - no, you're shown - that the writer never reveals secrets too early. so, you'll just have to keep reading our blog to find out. see, we're building tension and suspense already. it will be interesting to see how many people find our blog by Googling "spankster." according to the Urban Dictionary, spankster means: spanish gangster. um, i assure you, we are not spanish gangsters, although that does sound like a great story idea.
we write romance. that simple.
haha! lafawndah. Tina!
test to see if my picture email worked....
Let's start a chat room, too! :) har har
Whoa, wait! I forgot my photo. :)
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