from uncle rico's lips to your eyes.
this is my advice for what to do when you:
a.) have a lack of motivation to write
b.) have life interruptions that prevent you from writing
c.) get stuck with a scene, chapter, or conflict
do somethin' while you're doin' nothin'.
um, what does that mean?
it means when you're fixing dinner, sorting laundry, swiffering the floor - you can still be writing. yeah right ... how do you figure that? no, there isn't a laptop that will hang around your neck so you can type as if it were a guitar keyboard. you don't need a laptop to write. you don't even need a pen and paper. you just need your creative little head!
example. this weekend biscuit and i went to the rangers game. now, i enjoy baseball, going to the games, watching all the people (getting great character ideas). but, by about the fourth inning i'm usually ready to go. however, i made it to the seventh inning this weekend! how? because as i stared at the field (and the cute little - tight - pants ball players wear), i was writing scenes in my head. i was plotting, thinking of how/where i could interject more conflict. when i sit down at my laptop i want to maximize my writing time, so i dang well better know what i want to say beforehand.
so, here are some examples of when you could do somethin' while you're doin' nothin':
1. driving to work
2. watching sports with your boo
3. walking your dog
see, there're lots of opportunities every day where you can get some writing done, even if you're not sitting at your designated writing space.
just don't live too much back in 82.
I agree. You can work on a plot anywhere anytime--maybe even when you shouldn't.
When I do this, everything I make up in my head is absolutely brilliant, until I try to put it on paper...
I agree. I find the commute to work flows much easier if I daydream about my latest character's antics. Housework also goes by faster by mentally working on conflict.
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