Now that I have my chocolate fix, let's talk about writer's loops.
Specifically, let's talk about loop junkies. You know... the ones who are constantly on the loop and have to make a comment on everything that comes across.
I currently belong to three writer's loops. All are great sources of information about writing, editors, agents, publishers...pretty much anything a writer would want to know. Lately I have noticed that the same people chime in with their opinions on every little thing.
You would think after one person asks a simple punctuation question that is answered by another loop member, fifteen other people wouldn't have to respond with the same answer.
On one loop, a couple of weeks ago, at least fifty people got on to bitch about their GH scores. Maybe three people said anything original or helpful. This week they're on to how RWA handles editor/agent appointments. Again, a few thoughtful comments and a lot of people saying the same thing over and over again.
Another loop that I'm on the moderator has to come on every day and remind loop members not to use the loop to congratulate other loop members and to do so through private email. Seems like a simple request to me. Is that too much to ask?
IMO, if you can't contribute something constructive, stay off the loop and use the extra time you have to actually WRITE YOUR NOVEL.
So why do I even bother? As a relatively new writer, I have gained insight from the helpful comments of more experienced writers on the loop. I just resent having to wade through all the crap to get to something useful.
In the mean time, I will continue to exercise my index finger by repeatedly hitting the delete button. This somehow gives me a strange sense of satisfaction.
I agree with you on that. Sometimes the congratulations will go on for 20 emails!
All I know is misspelling and using the wrong form of words on the PRO loop is not good promotion of oneself. It's kind of like - look at me - blah, balh, blau. I wnat ot bee a righter. PET PEEVE!!
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