You've all read it. That contemporary novel with the supposed Alpha male that just refuses to cuss. Or rather, where the author doesn't allow him to cuss.
And don't you just hate that?
There's been some buzz about this topic in recent trade publications; authors talking about the amount of 'vulgar' language found in today's novels and their dissatisfaction with the trend.
Hmmm. I'm sorry BUT I'm on the drop-the-f-bomb-please bandwagon. That mf'in train rolled through my town and I am now the f'in conductor.
That guy up there? I bet he cusses.
Don't get me wrong, I don't want my hero having tea with his sweet elderly grandma and cussing like a sailor or my kick-a$$ heroine telling her best friend what a bleeping lovely bleeping day she has had, but I do believe there is a time and place for it. Like the time Carly walked in on Damien doin' the do with some b-ball whore. That was a time for a good cuss word...or five.
It's what most young people do today. They cuss - both male and female. It's a fact. The ones that don't, well, they're probably not reading my style of writing anyway.
I read a book recently by an author that I have adored since I was a kid. It was a contemporary mystery and I hated it because of the hero's voice. The hero said things like sh!t and damn but that was the extent of it and I really feel like she missed the ball on showing me what he was really feeling.
I also think it really dated the author. That's just my opinion.
The great thing about The Spanksters? We all seem to realize the value of a good f-bomb in the right scene. I bet even Robin lets it rip now and again with an old world 'bloody hell'. And that's perfect! In a historical - it's law.
So, that's my sound off. Let 'em curse and if you don't like it? That's fine. There's another category about two rows over that's perfect for your reading enjoyment.
Just make sure you go the right way, if you don't you'll end up in 'Erotica' and that's another can of worms!!!
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