So, most of you know I earn my living helping the poor desperate computer illiterates of the world. Daily, I find myself surrounded by members of a large IT department, mostly guys that have things like CCNA or MCSE hanging off the end of their name. They wear that shit like a badge of honor.
They are what most people refer to as nerds. Computer Geeks. Or as one friend prefers: Just Geek.
Yeah, I know. Probably I am one because of the nature of my occupation, but seriously. I have an edge, or seven, on these boys. One, I’m a girl. And two? I dress better. Let me just say, if the scouts over at What Not To Wear are in desperate need, give me a call. I know some people.
It’s kinda joke around the office my aversion to the title ‘Geek’. I refute and deny any and all affiliation because it stands for something I just never want to be associated with. I have an image after all. But one day at lunch my favorite Nerd says something like this to me: Seriously, have you ever dated anyone that wasn’t a geek?
My mouth fell open to immediately deny, but no words came out. Because it was the God’s honest truth. With the exception of my first ‘true love’ *gag*…I think he’s in prison somewhere today…I really have only ever gone out with really intelligent guys. An engineer, a programmer, a stock broker and finally my DH, a man that can’t remember his address but can read a CAD drawing and calculate the exact time it will take to manufacture and the exact cost of a project in seconds while I can barely count the change at the bottom of my purse.
Talk about being in denial. My point is Nerds are the hot thing right now. Girls are hanging out in Apple stores just hoping to find the nerd of her dreams. Seriously, someone did a study. And since my nerd friend pointed it out to me, I’ve gone into overprotective mode, spewing radical nerd nonsense in defense of my everyday hero’s against these bimbos who are hoping to encroach. I’m like the NCLU (Nerds Civil Liberties Union).
So, probably this is more of just a rant than anything that will help any of us excel in writing…except if you are writing about some studly geek, I definitely know some geeks. And a couple of hot, young baseball players to help with the studly part.
The same friend also pointed out to me that I have a thing for bic-bald guys. Whatever. Oh, no wait, he was right about that too. Damn Nerd (he hates when I call him that) thinks he knows me so well. Hmpft.
The Hot Hubster is a computer geek too. They rock. Make the best hubbies and they know that the end of the cigar goes in their mouths.
Intelligence is a major turn on.
My DH is a computer god as well. I couldn't tell you what he does for a living. He's explained it to me serveral times but I still don't understand what the hell he's saying.
i love technology, but as much you see, but i still love technology, always and forever ...
my biscuit can use oracle and sap, does that count? and he can do really complicated math equations in his head--sans calculator. that's hot.
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