but my biscuit is not about to share.
reality shows where at least 20 chicks are competing for one man make me wanna gag. i'm talkin' 'bout 20 girls all kissing/hooking up with one man. the germ factor is enough to make my tummy hurt. gross!
why do i care if hoochies wanna share germs and look like dipsticks on national television for riding the wambulance over some dude who is just in it for the ego factor? aside from the fact that 1 in 4 teenage girls in the united states have an std, i care because romance should NOT get the shaft - EVER!
romance promotes monogamous relationships where two people care about each other. and yeah, romance novels have sex, sometimes lots and lots of sex, but you better believe it's between two people, not one guy and 20 girls, and those two people are not just in it for the physical aspect. it's about how they are both individually stronger because of each other. and they've gone on some journey to discover some higher realization about themselves or the other person. now i know some erotica in the market sometimes invovles more than two people, but i'm talkin' pacifically (got ya) 'bout the kind of romance the spanksters read and write.
anyway. these kinds of shows plaster a thelma harper grimace on my face. i just think women need to have more self-value, feel more self-worth, and not give all their goodies away. save your milkshake for one man!
what about you? would you want 19 other girls spankin' your biscuit?
Ahhhh, come on! He’s got the sexiest accent the show has ever seen! All ‘quite right’ and that boyish British charm…sigh…
But yeah, the multiple make-out partners makes me want to hurl…and the white boy dancing…and the hot tubs…there’s always a hot tub…and the most SHOCKING rose ceremony ever.
Faith Hill said it best one night in Lafayette, LA: “Somebody needs to teach you some class, my friend. You don’t go grabbin’ somebody else’s, somebody’s husband’s balls, you understand me? That’s very disrespectful.”
Shout out to hostile Southern Girls. So eloquently put, no?
i actually was referring to a couple of other grodie shows on vh-1 where the chicks are not quite as refined as the ones on TB. but i did catch TB last night and when the girls were like, "I'm having feelings," i was like, ugh ... don't you realize 19 other girls are telling him the same thing - just as he told ALL of them, he missed them? maybe southern girls just don't like to share.
You've made some great points Christie.
I won't even read anything where the hero has it narrowed down to two women and can't make up his mind.
Those reality shows send the wrong message to kids and are degrading to women.
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