Thursday, April 3, 2008

Oh the fun of pitching!

A Few Quick Pitching Tips

1. Be professional

2. Place your business card on the table where the agent/editor can refer back to it if they forget your name.

3. Write your books title on the back of the business card with a very short hook. This could be the “high concept.” Ex. The Simpsons meet Godzilla

4. The actual pitch should be short and sweet. Give them enough to whet their appetite without explaining the whole book.

5. Have a couple of questions to ask them.

6. Have another idea/project waiting in the wings if they ask for something else.

These are just a few tips. What tips for pitching do you have?


christie said...

you are like the center of the spanksters, reminding us of all the important stuff--thank you!! great blog. it's so easy to lose sight of those important things b/c we are so focused on the pitch itself.

Trinity said...

Thanks for the tips Angie. Next time I promise to re-read them before conference.

can we wear one of these at conference? 'Cause that would be AWESOME!

For Christie!

For Christie!

Writer's Unblock Tool