WARNING: All material contained herein has nothing to do with writing. Unless you as a writer wish to use this material for your upcoming story, in which case you need to ask permission. Not like I care, but because it's the polite thing to do.
Okay, now that the warning is out of the way.
As mentioned this has nothing to do with writing. It's just a very odd experience I had so of course I had to share.
I try to walk my dogs at night, around 8-8:30 after the sun sets, but before it gets dark. There is a trail that snakes around the outskirts of the neighborhood and I like to walk them on it especially since the trail is beside a creek and at that time of the day the frogs/toads are chirping/croaking and it's soothing and relaxing. In case you are worried about my safety, let me just say that I walk with Jaws and Hell Hound so most people give us a wide berth.
So here we were, trotting along, listening to the frogs do the song thing, relaxing in our own little world when I notice someone walking from the opposite way. My main concern was that the person had no dog as J & HH think small dogs are edible substances and create minor problems (as in where's the Dog Whisperer when you need him?).
Luckily the person coming toward us had no dog. He also had no shoes. None. Nowhere. Just out walking the trail with no shoes.
That wasn't the weirdest thing.
You know when you pass people, they might be in their own little world, or they might be shy or rude or friendly, but they either glance your way or in some way acknowledge you, right? This guy did nothing. He didn't look at me, glance, or otherwise seem to notice we were even there. And he gave off this aura/energy of .... evil. As in the demon-has-possessed-my-body type of evil. At first I thought about saying hi, being the friendly person that I am, but one glance at him made me decide friendly was not a good thing.
Now he looked normal, but that energy/aura about him was definitely NOT normal. I've never felt anything like that and it creeped me out. My first thought was, this kid's possessed, followed by maybe he's a ghost.
Even J&HH didn't seem to notice him and they notice everything that passes that close.
Needless to say, I did the hustle right off that trail. Completely freaked me out. I expected the kid to turn around or have his head spin and a creepy voice say something scary.
I still have the tingles. Has anyone else had weird experiences like this?
Next week I'll try to write on writing. :)
Friday, May 23, 2008
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can we wear one of these at conference? 'Cause that would be AWESOME!
For Christie!


Studies have shown that people really do have an inate sense of danger, so you are right to take your feelings seriously.
This would be the perfect opportunity to write down your feelings and use them in a story.
And yes, something similar to this happened to me in college. I still get chills just thinking about it.
Weird! I don't think I've ever had anything quite like that to happen but I've had situations where my internal alarm was screaming to get away.
And I really do my best to listen to my instincts.
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