Friday, May 30, 2008

zen of relaxation

I'm one of those people who when they get stressed they stop writing. And as some of you know, I've been really stressed lately. This does not bode well for the writing career.

One of the reasons I have trouble writing while under stress is b/c I forget my words. On a good day, one that is relaxing, I have to try hard to get the right words to come out. For instance, in high school, the youth minister at church gave a lesson on learning which spiritual gifts we have. Take a little test and poof, you learn your spiritual gift. Mine was exhortation. I ran out to tell my parents that I had the spiritual gift of extortion.

The youth minister still laughs over that one.

And that was before I got stressed.

It's much worse now, so much so that I have to really take time to put down the correct words on paper. And as my critique partners, you know that doesn't always happen.

So, I've been under stress, and not very productive. But this week I had off work since my 13 year old step-cousin was down visiting the Hubster and me this week. We ran all over the place touring. Today we went to the Japanese Gardens located in the Botanical Gardens in Fort Worth. It was incredibly relaxing. Just watching the fish and waterfalls, listening to the bamboo stalks rattle in the wind, seeing The Kid throw fish food to the turtles brought me to a peaceful place I'd been missing for some time.

Even if my brain was flat-lining in the heat.

Now I didn't come up with any new ideas for my story (see the above paragraph regarding heat drained brain) but I did manage to relax like I haven't been able to lately.

So here's the plug for the Botanical Gardens and the Japanese Gardens. It's very relaxing and peaceful. Check out the Zen Garden and wonder how they managed to get all those little lines around the rocks without crossing each other. See the huge magnolia tree and the 200 year old hollowed out pecan tree that you can stick The Kid into (it's recommended not to leave them in the tree). Smell the roses (watch out for bees!), listen to the water fountains and commune with nature.

Where is your relaxing place?


Trinity said...

I like to relax on my back porch, sitting on the porch swing. My DH spent a lot of time making the space beautiful.

We have an abundance of wildlife in our area and my two dogs usually put on quite a show when they know I'm watching. Nature has a way of calming me as well.

As far as being too stressed to write, I have the opposite reaction. When I'm stressed, writing is a refuge, taking me away to a different place and time.
Basically, for me, it's salvation.

I hope the stressful times end for you soon.

christie said...

On the couch with one dog beside me, the other dog under my feet, laptop on my lap.

can we wear one of these at conference? 'Cause that would be AWESOME!

For Christie!

For Christie!

Writer's Unblock Tool