I hate doing research. My most recent wip involves time travel and pirates, and this means I have some research to do. I seriously think I started with paranormals so I wouldn't have to do much research. I could just make up whatever world I wanted to.
As I've said before, I'm a panster. By the time I figure out what I want to write, I'm ready to start writing it. So now I'm in the middle of my second rough draft and still haven't done much research. My fear is that if I stop writing and start researching I'll lose my momentum.
Here's my plan. Finish rough draft number two, do research, then add details back in while layering.
I'll keep you posted on how that works out.
One thing I have come to realize, all genres require research. I'm even having to do research on the future for the time travel part of my story. Thank goodness I'm always getting emails from the Overlords at Think Geek.
Currently fellow spanksters are researching Navy Seals (sign me up for that one), marching bands and the dreaded ton of the Regency era.
There's always research to be done, so what's the best way to do it?
Any ideas?
'What's the best way to do research?' Hmmmm. With a Pomagrante Margarita and a lot of chocolate!
um, maybe if you get stuck on a part or just need a mental break - GOOGLE. sometimes i will just write what i can sans research then go back and fill it in after i've gotten the words out of my head.
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