"That I think you aren't clear on our destination."
"Huh?" Gabe said, his hand lazily on her thigh.
Daisy climbed off his lap and settled into the seat beside him. Puffy white clouds the only scenery out the window. "We aren't going to Columbia, as in Columbia University in New York. We're going to Colombia, as in South America."
Gabe scratched his head. "Yeah. That's what I thought."
"Well, you can't pronounce it 'Columbia' when we get here. I need you to pretend you're Colombian. So you have to say it like 'Co-lome-bee-uh'."
"Anything else I need to know? I mean do I need to slick my hair back and smoke a cigar too?"
Daisy nibbled on her bottom lip. "Actually, that's a good idea."
"Look, babe, I think you need to tell me more about what we're up against. I don't like feeling unprepared. I'm a fireman. And firemen are always prepared."
Daisy took a deep breath then sighed. "OK. It's like this ..."
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