Okay. How many of us were in love with that? Feeling a little pathetic? It's okay. I feel that way every time NKOTB comes on my IPOD and I still get all giddy and stuff.
So the thing that sucks about adding an image to your blog post is that it totally throws me off. Cause how can I post a picture LIKE THAT and not say something about it?
Okay, so I read a book a while back by an author that I sorta like. She has a series and it's really nasty dirty but I read it for the articles. Right. Anywhoo, in the one before this latest one she had one of the female secondary characters get shot. In the chest. At pretty much point blank range.
I'm no expert on gunshot wounds but I clearly remember thinking, "Holy crap! She killed her!" and I got all sad and stuff because surely she was dead.
Not so much.
The newest book in the series, which came out a few months ago (I'm really behind), has her in it. As the heroine. Alive.
At first I thought "Oh, great, she made it" and then I thought "How is that possible?". And the weirdest thing was the author didn't really address it. Just a couple of lines somewhere buried in the manuscript about how she had been shot but was just fine.
It ruined the whole book for me. I kept turning page after page just knowing she was going to explain the miraculous recovery but it never came. Now it is completely possible that maybe she explained it in the previous book but I have no recollection and it would be too much like work to dig it out and verify. The author should have given me more in this book. She should have told me how it impacted the hero to see her shot up and bleeding at his feet - because he was there when she was shot.
She should have consulted me before publishing so I could clear this up for her. Riiiight?
The point I'm trying to make is: shouldn't every book (that's part of a series) be written with the assumption that someone may pick it up that has never read any of your work before? AND with the understanding that some of your readers may suffer from debilitating disorders such as ADHD and require at least a couple of paragraphs dedicated to the rehashing of silly little things LIKE GUNSHOT WOUNDS TO THE CHEST AT POINT BLANK RANGE so everyone understands just exactly how you survive something like that?
I'm just saying. Throw this bitch a bone.
Uh, yes. It's the cardinal rule of soap operas, right?
"Shot through the heart and you're to blame, darlin', you give love a bad name...." - J. Bonjovi & Band
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