Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Here's to the Men of the Oilfield

As my closest critique buddies know, I am living a secret identify as a blonde female thing running around the oil and gas derricks, platforms and plants of the world, saving the inhabitants and environment from such dangerous risks as chemical over-exposure, potential cancer and bed-bugs (yes, bed bugs). For almost 20 years I have hung out with these men (and yes, women, too - but this article is not for them...they must wait for their own). Today I'd like to dedicate this blog to them - the Boudreax's, Cowboys and 'Mate's of the petroleum world.

First, a little intro, please:

Unfortunately, no, I am not treated to a daily 'dinner-and-a-show' featuring the newest member to the drill floor roustabout team. Still, the film embodies the underlying no-holds-barred sense of humor of the average oil and gas worker - NOT that there is anything average about these men (and women - no I"m not forgetting them, because I am one). I am continually struck with the strength, both physically and mentally, of these individuals - men who quite often leave their families for weeks at a time to join a communal group performing a tiring, dirty and VERY complicated job task. Never underestimate the experience and intelligence needed to operate the massive equipment that is used to find, produce and deliver the VERY EXPENSIVE gas we are currently moving through our vehicles. And no - they don't see any more of that money than we do (that's the CEO's job).

Not always polite or politically correct, not always willing to take the easy road or go with the flow, but ALWAYS protective, ALWAYS ready to help, ALWAYS ready to laugh and do whatever it takes to make the job go easier...these are my work-mates. They are good men and I've loved working with them....and let's not forget the fact that they are so VERY, VERY male!!!! Definitely makes my job infinitely more fun! So, here's to the oilfield workers - my colleagues, my friends, my muses. Burn, baby, burn!!!!!


Trinity said...

Sounds like a great character for your next book. I know I'm already hooked.

Angela said...

It does sound like a great character, but you might make him a little more coordinated than the guy in the video. And how much did he have to drink? :)

christie said...

smart blonde sorority girls rule!

chellie said...

That video? Greatness.

R. Bana said...

Sad, but true...no drinking on any platforms. They are isolated from it. So the boy was stone-cold sober. ;)

can we wear one of these at conference? 'Cause that would be AWESOME!

For Christie!

For Christie!

Writer's Unblock Tool
